What do you do when you find water on your garage floor? Is Rain the Only culprit for this?
In this guide you will learn:
- Reasons why your Garage Floor might be Wet,
- How to Dry a Wet Garage floor & Keep it dry,
- All about Garage Floor Sweating & Condensation on it,
- How to Prevent Wet Garage Floors after Rain or in Winter.

Most Common Causes of Wet Garage Floors
There are several reasons as to why your garage may be wet.
While it may be due to rain or groundwater seepage, this is not always the case.
Sometimes your garage floor may get wet due to what is called “sweating” or from condensation.
The reasons why water is getting into your garage when it rains are similar to the reasons why water gets into your house when it rains.
These causes can include a hole in your garage roof, wall, or window that’s allowing water to seep into the garage when it rains.
Snow can also cause your garage to get wet due to similar reasons.
This is most apparent in Autumn and Spring when the outside temperatures are not as stable and causes the snow to melt more frequently.
3.Clogged Gutters
Another common cause why your garage floors might be wet are clogged or misdirected gutters.
These will cause water to accumulate near the walls or door of your garage rather than away from it.
With enough rain water, this will eventually leak into the garage itself.
4. Sweating (Condensation)
Another common cause of water in your garage is due to the floor itself sweating.
While seeing moisture on your garage floor when there has not been any rain or snow might cause alarm.
it is something that occurs due to the nature of the environment coming into contact with your garage floor.
5.Groundwater Seepage
There is also the possibility that the moisture you see is coming up from underneath your garage floor.
Though this looks similar to sweating in appearance, however this might actually be groundwater that is seeping through your garage floor.
Is It Normal For Garage Floors to Get Damp?
The dampness you see on your garage floor may be normal or not depending on what’s causing the moisture.
If it is due to seasonal condensation due to warm air then it’s fairly normal. However, it could also be due to other issues.
If it is due to other issues such as a lack of vapor barrier, or cracks in your garage wall or windows, then this is not normal and you may want professional help to fix them.
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Garage Floor Sweating and Condensation
If it does look like your floor is sweating, this is likely due to condensation on your garage floors.
While you will of course want to get rid of this sweating effect, it is not due to something inherently wrong with your garage floor.
This sweating phenomenon happens due to the fluctuations in temperature and air moisture in your area.
When warm, moist air comes into contact with your cool concrete garage floor, the moisture will cool down and begin to condensate, causing it to turn into liquid and gather as water on the floor.
Though a garage floor sweating is not an all too uncommon problem, it is still one that you will want to take care of as soon as you can.
The moisture accumulating on your garage floor can cause a number of problems including:
- Wet and slippery floors
- Increases humidity of the garage
- Causes metal items in your garage to rust
- Can eventually cause a breakdown in your concrete flooring
Ways to Stop the Garage Floor Sweating
The first thing you might want to try and do is increase the air circulation in your garage. To do this, simply purchase a couple fans to blow air continuously.
Another way to do this is keep your garage door or windows slightly open if you can.
You can also try to keep the temperature in your garage higher than normal. If there is no insulation built in then this won’t be hard to do during the warmer months.
If your garage has a built in heating system then be sure to utilize it for this purpose.
Another easy way to prevent sweating is to de-humidify your garage itself. To do this you will want to purchase a de-humidifier. Though some models may be expensive, they’re sure to help keep your garage floor dry and free of moisture.
One last thing you may want to try and do is change your concrete flooring entirely. Alternatives like asphalt, granite, or stone can work just as well.
However, you should only use this option as a last resort as completely replacing your garage floor will naturally be very expensive.
Can Water Come Up Through a Concrete Garage Floor?
Yes, this is what happens when your garage floor was installed without a vapor barrier or was laid down improperly.
Because concrete has a porous nature, when moisture underneath it has nowhere else to go, it can seep into the concrete itself and even cause it to crack if there are no cracks there already.
If you want to check to see if the moisture on your garage floor is due to sweating or water from underneath it, you can try taping down a pad over a wet area after absorbing the moisture.
- If it is no longer wet the next day, then the moisture likely came from condensation.
- If it is still wet then the moisture is likely from ground water being pushed up to the surface.
What to do When Water is Seeping Up Through your Concrete Garage Floor
Stopping water from seeping up through your garage floor can be fixed depending on what’s causing it.
If the water is coming in through cracks in your floor, then it can be fixed using concrete filler you can find in your closest home improvement store.
Simply make sure the crack is clean before putting any filler in, smooth out the area with a knife, and leave it to dry over night.
If the problem is not due to any noticeable cracks, you can use a concrete sealant to keep the water from coming up to the surface. This product can also be purchased either at a local home goods store.
Before using it you will want to make sure your garage floor is as clear of as many objects as possible.
Then simply coat the garage floor using a paint roller or brush.
Water in Garage After Heavy Rain
For many homeowners, the main reason they need to take care of water in their garage is due to leaking after heavy rain.
In order to take care of this water, the first thing you will want to do is figure out what’s causing it to get into your garage.
1.Finding the Source
Once you see that there’s a large amount of water in your garage after heavy rain, you will need to do a thorough inspection of your garage to see where it came from.
First, inspect the windows and foundations on the perimeter of the garage floor to see if there are any cracks there.
If not, check out your storm drains to make sure they’re flowing away from the garage.
Before you begin repairing any cracks you find, you may need to buy some supplies first.
Especially if you need to repair a window, there are numerous window repair kits or glass sealers you can buy at a local store for fairly cheap.
To repair the wall, it depends on the material it’s made of.
If the wall is made of drywall then you will need to buy more drywall to cover the patch, something to seal it, and something to paint over.
If the wall is made of concrete then you will simply need a concrete sealant to fill in the hole.
In order to prevent water from getting into your garage after heavy rain, the first thing you will want to do is continue proper upkeep on your garage to make sure no more cracks or holes form.
Beyond this however, it would be a good idea to purchase a water barrier to put in front of your garage door.
Removing Water From Garage Floor After Rain or Flood
Of course, the first thing you’ll want to do after finding water in your garage before anything else is actually getting the water out.
You may want to get some professional help with getting water out of your garage or you can try following the steps written below instead.
How to Dry Wet Flooded Garage Floors
Before doing anything else, you will first want to remove everything from your garage. This includes cars, bicycles, cleaning supplies, backyard tools, etc.
Once you’ve done this, make sure you mark off all the wet areas so that neither you nor anyone else steps in them.
Next, you will need to choose which tool you want to use to clear out the water.
Generally, the two best tools to choose from are either a wet vacuum or a water pump.
While whichever one you want to use is up to you, you should also know that there are a few differences between them.
First, as far as expense goes, a wet vacuum is usually much cheaper both to rent and to buy. In addition to this, it is much more maneuverable so you can reach certain places that a pump can’t.
However, especially if it is a large amount of water, a pump may be the better option as it is simpler to use and will be able to get out a large amount of water more quickly.
Once you’ve gotten most of the water out, you will still need to finish drying it all the way.
To do this, it is best to use either a professional or commercial grade fan to blow on the wet areas until they’re dry.
You can also use a de-humidifier in addition to a fan.
To ensure that air circulates through your garage, leave any doors or windows slightly open.
After the garage has finished drying, you can put back all the items you removed before.
How Long Does it Take For a Wet Garage Floor to Dry?
In general it can take anywhere from 12-48 hours for a wet garage floor to dry.
Factors that impact the drying time can include outdoor weather, air circulation in the garage, the material of your garages floor, and how much the floor was being walked on while wet.
How To Keep Your Garage Floor Dry and Damp Free
Making sure your garage floor is dry can take a number of steps and there are a variety of different solutions you can use or products you will need to buy.
Wet Garage Floor Solutions
The solution to your wet garage depends on where the water getting into your garage is coming from.
First, if the water is getting into your garage from a loose, broken, or improperly installed door, you can try buying a water barrier.
These come in a variety of builds and shapes but are most often an elongated piece of material, sometimes with a filing that you place in front of your garage door when it rains.
Another way to prevent the water from getting into your garage that is similar to a water barrier is called a garage seal.
Rather than placing it right in front of your garage door, this small, speed bump like installation is attached to the concrete in front of your door. Unlike the water barrier, you won’t have to move it every time it rains.
If you’re unsure if either of these solutions will work, you can try installing a trench drain in front of your garage.
Though they might be more expensive and harder to install, they’re sure to prevent any rain from getting into the garage itself.
They are similar in appearance to normal in ground storm drain.
It’s also possible that the problem is not from your garage door or walls but from the gutters on the roof of your garage or rather the lack of them.
If your garage’s gutters are old and leaking, or if you don’t have any gutters installed, you may want to think about putting some in to direct rain water away from the garage.
One last thing you may want to look at is the grading around the garage as well.
Just like with your house, if the grading is sloped toward your garage rather than away from it, you will want to work on fixing it so that it does not drain in doors.
In addition to the above and other solutions listed in this article, remember to take steps to ensure your garage maintains a cool and dry environment by buying a de-humidifier, allowing air to circulate, and keeping the temperature controlled.
Preventing Wet Garage Floors From Snow
While a wet garage is often due to heavy rain, on occasion it can also come from an accumulation of too much snow.
In order to keep snow from getting in your garage, there are several things you can do.
These include making sure the area around your garage is shoveled well, wiping your car before parking, putting mats on your garage floor, and of course ensuring there are no cracks or leaks in your garage.
When to Call a Professional
Getting water out of your garage and preventing it can be a lengthy process.
While you may be able to get the water itself out on your own, finding the cause and coming up with a permanent solution may be more challenging.
It might be crucial to contact a professional to pinpoint the reason why water is leaking into your garage also to dry out your garage if there are large amounts of water.
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