Wondering if baking soda can be used to Get rid of excess moisture & deal with Water Damage? Just how Effective is Baking soda for Moisture Absorption?
In this guide you will learn:
- How Does Baking Soda Absorbs & Removes Moisture,
- How to Use Baking Soda to Naturally Dehumidify your House,
- If Baking soda can be used to deal with Water damage & to Get rid of Odors

Does Baking Soda Absorb Moisture?
Baking soda is hygroscopic and therefore can absolutely be used to absorb moisture from different surfaces to dry out water damage as well as remove excess moisture from the air.
One way to do this is if you’re trying to absorb humidity is to place a bowl of baking soda in the area where there is excess humidity and leave it there.
After leaving the bowl there for a while it will have absorbed moisture, becoming extremely moist, but not watery.
The other way to use baking soda if trying to absorb moisture from a carpet, for instance, is to pour the baking soda onto the area you’re trying to clean.
Let it sit for a few minutes then vacuum it all up and you’ll have a much cleaner carpet.
How Does Baking Soda Remove Moisture?
Since baking soda has hygroscopic properties, this attracts surrounding water molecules and absorbs them.
This will lead to the area becoming dry of the moisture where the baking soda is applied.
It’s worth considering that baking soda will be more effective within a smaller area.
If you’re trying to use it on a large area then you will need to use baking soda in VERY LARGE AMOUNTS to cover the area.
Baking soda neutralizes stubborn acidic odors too, like those from sour milk, as well as other putrid odors from your home.
Baking Soda Effectiveness for Absorbing Moisture from Air
Baking soda is very effective and easy way to remove moisture in the air.
Since it is a hygroscopic substance, it’s capable of absorbing the moisture extremely well.
- Rate of absorption – baking soda can start absorbing moisture within 30 minutes. Whether your leave it in a container like a bowl or sprinkle it on the floor, let it sit for a few hours and cleanse the area.
- How much to use – you want enough to fill a cereal bowl. Since baking soda works better on smaller areas you could have multiple bowls filled at the same time in different rooms of the home. Check the bowls occasionally as you will need to replace the baking soda as it cakes.
- Compared to other methods – baking soda is a very good and cost-effective way to absorb moisture. One of the main downsides is that it’s only really useful in small areas.
- Use as a dehumidifier – baking soda can be used effectively as a natural dehumidifier. It has the ability to absorb moisture in your home to reduce humidity levels. The main reason this works is because baking soda is a hygroscopic which is a substance that can attract water from surrounding environments.
If you were to use a fan or regular dehumidifier you would need electricity, unlike baking soda.
It’s also very cheap to use, but is only good for short-term use. It can get the job done though.
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Baking Soda to Soak Up and Dry Water Damage
Here we will go over different types of surfaces and how baking soda can clean up water damage done to them.
Remember, baking soda works better on small areas so only focus on one infected area at a time if possible.
If you want to remove moisture out of wood surfaces simply sprinkle baking soda in a generous layer over the wood surface.
Let it sit for 5-6 hours , scoop up the now moist baking soda and apply a new layer of fresh baking soda, continue until the piece of furniture/wooden item is dry.
Afterwards, If you want to remove water stains left from wooden surfaces you want to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to form a paste.
Apply the paste to a cloth and rub the area for about 5 – 10 minutes. Try to avoid unstained portions of the surface. Then wipe any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.
Lastly, use furniture wax to seal the finish.
Hardwood Floors
To Absorb Moisture or Water Damage from wooden floors you will need a lot of baking soda,depending on the extent of the water damage.
Similarly, sprinkle baking soda in generous amounts over the wet hardwood floors, scoop up the now-moist baking soda after 2-3hours and apply a fresh layer of baking soda.
It is important to note, although baking soda CAN indeed absorb moisture from hardwood floors,it’s not the most effective way if the area is large or there has been a lot of water damage.
An industrial-grade Dehumidifier or even several of them will be needed as well, if you delay with removing the moisture out of your hardwood floors, the water can ruin them!
If there are any water stains left, you want to create a paste with the baking soda by adding a teaspoon of water and apply it to the stain.
Then rub the area with a cloth. Keep doing this until the area is clean.
If it needs more baking soda, apply more paste to the infected area and let it sit overnight. In the morning wipe the area clean again.
Try using baking soda mixed with a bit of vinegar to remove moisture & stains that have been left on any piece of fabric furniture/seats.
Together they can pull the water deposits from the material.
After that blot the area with a cloth, rinse with water and then dry the area with a clean cloth.
Repeat these steps as much as needed to remove any stains.
From a Mattress
Baking soda can also be used to absorb moisture from Mattress ,This can be a little tougher since mattresses are usually very thick.
Try renting a wet/dry vac to vacuum up all the excess liquids first.
Then, sprinkle baking soda generously all over the mattress and begin to rub it in all over the mattress with a dry sponge. This will help absorb all the moisture and prevent mold from forming in your mattress.
Let the baking soda sit for a few hours and then remove it with the vacuum. Apply a fresh layer of baking soda if the mattress is still wet.
This same method can be used for removing urine as well. Pour baking soda onto the area where the odor is coming from, work it in with a brush, and let it sit for 5 – 10 hours.
Afterwards, vacuum all the baking soda from the mattress.
How Long Does It Take for Baking Soda to Absorb Moisture?
For horizontal surfaces like floors or shelves, you will want to sprinkle some baking soda on the area and let it sit for at least 24 hours in total to see any real visible effect and moisture reduction.
You can also try placing a cloth over the soda to help absorb more water from the surface and less from the air.
The longer the baking soda sits the better as it will have more time to absorb any moisture or odors, but 24 hours should be sufficient to see a real effect and moisture absorption.
Make sure to Change the Baking soda once it feels moist!
How to Use baking Soda to Naturally Dehumidify Your Home
One of the best ways to capture moisture in the air in your home is by putting baking soda in a bowl/open container and leaving it out.
The baking soda may get clumpy so you will want to stir it around from time to time and replace it when it gets too moist.
Like mentioned earlier, baking soda works best when it is used in small areas.
So, if you’re trying to capture a lot of moisture in a room then try using multiple open containers of baking soda.
Another good thing about using baking soda is that along with absorbing moisture, it can also absorb any musty smells.
Below are some examples of where baking soda can be used to absorb any moisture or water damages and dehumidify your home.
You can place the baking soda inside the closet in an open container or leave it in the box with it open.
It will absorb the moisture like in any other room and will make the closet much drier for you.
You should only need to do this for a few days to remove the moisture/odors.
Placing baking soda in the freezer can remove extra moisture and any odors lingering.
First, you will want to clean the freezer out entirely with baking soda.
This will help scrape away any dirt or gunk. Next, punch a few holes into a bag of baking soda and set it inside the freezer.
You should replace the bag every three months or more if it begins to absorb too many odors.
The same with the freezer, you will first want to clean out the fridge with baking soda to get rid of any tough odors/dirt. Maybe even us a little white vinegar with the cleaning.
Then, place an open box/bowl in the fridge and let it sit there and check it every month.
Also, be sure to place the baking soda as close to where the odor is as possible so it can absorb the odor faster.
In a Car
You can do this a couple of ways. One, sprinkle some baking soda on the floor of the car and let it sit for about 12 hours or overnight.
Then use a wet/dry vacuum to clean up the baking soda. This should help remove any moisture/mildew in the car.
Two, just leave an open box/bowl of baking soda in the car. You can even use a couple of open boxes. Let it sit in there overnight with the doors and windows closed.
This will help get rid of any excess moisture regardless of using a bowl or box.
Baking soda is a very cheap and effective way to remove foul odors and moisture inside different parts of your home or even your car.
Baking soda is an excellent choice that can freshen up your house while dehumidifying it at the same time!
Baking Soda for Odor Absorption
A big part of why baking soda is good at absorbing odors is because most smells are acidic in nature and baking soda can be a pH neutralizer.
You always want to try to detect where the odor is coming from first before just placing baking soda in a room.
The closer you can get the baking soda to the odor the better it will be in absorbing said odor.
When using baking soda to absorb odors, depending on how strong they are, it could take several hours or several days before you notice a difference.
With places like a freezer or refrigerator though, like mentioned above, leaving an open bowl/box in there for months will keep it smelling fresh constantly.
Just check and make sure if the baking soda needs to be replaced occasionally.
When to Call a Professional?
Although Baking soda can be Effectively used as a moisture absorbing agent to absorb and remove moisture, the use will be very limited if you are dealing with large amounts of water damage.
If for example, your pipes have burst and water has flooded your floors, using baking soda would be one of the worst things you could do.
In situations like these, it’s crucial to have the proper equipment to dry out the water damaged surfaces fast enough to prevent any permanent water damage.
Similarly, if water has completely soaked your carpet, it would be crucial to remove the water and moisture as fast as possible to save your carpet.
If delayed, not only your carpet will be ruined,mold growth could take over your home!
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