Found yellow mold growing on Wood in your basement or attic? Is there a musty smell in your bathroom?
In this guide you will learn:
- How to recognize yellow mold on wood and where it is most commonly found,
- Common causes and how to remove yellow mold from wood,
- How to prevent yellow mold from starting or spreading further.

Identifying Yellow Mold On Wood
Yellow mold is one of the most common types of molds and can be mostly found on wood.
There are multiple types of yellow mold that can be found growing on wood, some toxic and some not, so you first need to figure out with which type of mold you are dealing.
Aspergillus Mold
Aspergillus mold (yellow mold) is quite common and can grow on most damp wooden surface. It looks like mold you would commonly see on bread but can be anywhere from orange to a light brown color.
It also can be fuzzy or powdery in nature, similar to what pollen looks like.
Serpula Lacrymans
If the mold found on wood is fuzzy and bright yellow in color it is more likely to be serpula lacrymans, often referred to as the ‘house eating’ mold.
This mold will break down whatever material it is on, which could lead to dry rot of wood and structural damage. It is important to act quickly when dealing with this type of mold.]
Slime Mold
Some yellow molds growing on wooden items can be soft and liquid. These are slime molds, known as fuligo septica, and mostly found outdoors in soil or on wood.
Another common name is ‘dog vomit mold’ or ‘scrambled egg mold’ due to their color and texture.
Common Causes Of Yellow Mold On Wood
In general, any location that is damp, dark, and has a food source is a hot spot for mold to grow.
Couple this with limited air flow and a leaky pipe and you are sure to find mold. Here are some common areas you can find mold and what causes them.
On Wood Floors
Yellow Mold can begin to grow on top of or even under wood floors if water is left for extended periods of time.
Common culprits could be as simple as a dog’s water bowl on the floor to something less visible like a leaky pipe or drafty door or window.
Any place that is constantly exposed to moisture and is not given proper time to dry will create mold. Mold can appear as dark spots on the wood or any form of warping or bubbling in the floorboards.
On Wooden Furniture
As with flooring, any persistent water or moisture can cause dressers, tables, chairs, and anything else made of wood to cause yellow mold to grow on them. Problem areas are often found on exterior walls that are not well insulated.
Moisture through condensation can form between the exterior wall and furniture, especially if there is little air circulation.
Wood chairs or shelving, if not properly sealed, can go moldy if placed in a bathroom or kitchen as those places often have consistent steam and moisture.
On Floor Joists And Basements
Sometimes yellow mold is less visible as it can grow in floor joists, studs, or joists in the basement.
Yellow Mold in these areas is not usually caused by standing water but by water evaporation and condensation.
As the water from a shower, washing machine, or leaking pipe evaporates in the air, the moisture is pushed upward and soaks into the structural wood.
On Wooden Decks And Mulch
Moisture in the air outdoors can be equally as problematic to any wood that is outdoors as well.
Wooden decks, mulch piles, or wood chip piles can all be susceptible to yellow mold if moisture is not removed.
Decks can be extra problematic as moisture can be trapped underneath, between the ground and the wood, causing excess moisture, no ventilation, and constant daily condensation.
Mulch piles can also be breeding grounds as molds thrive on organic materials.
These piles can grow mold quickly especially if they contain grass, wood, and are wet.
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Dangers Of Yellow Mold On Wood
One of the most common health dangers to yellow molds in the house is an allergic reaction. Yellow Molds send off spores into the air, which are then breathed in and can cause respiratory problems.
If a mold has been in the air for an extended period, it can cause larger respiratory problems such as cough, trouble breathing, wheezing, etc. It can be especially harmful to those with a weaker immune system.
Airborne molds can become a bigger problem when exposed for extensive amounts of time.
If breathed in too frequently Yellow Aspergillus mold can turn into invasive aspergillosis which can cause fever, cough, coughing up blood, and can even spread to other organs which can be life threatening.
Coming in contact with yellow mold can be equally as dangerous. Touching yellow mold can cause itching, hives, or a rash.
Some species of yellow molds are toxic and can cause further harm if touched.
How To Remove Yellow Mold From Wood
Before removing any yellow mold from wood, it is important to note that you should avoid touching the molds and breathing in the spores as much as possible. Removing mold as quickly as possible can help limit exposure to molds.
Wearing gloves or a face mask while removing and cleaning mold infected areas can also help avoid encountering the mold or breathing it in.
Yellow Mold can be removed with simple household materials, but make sure you are aware of the surface you are working on as to not damage the wood under the mold.
1.Find The Cause.
Is it near a shower or sink? Is there constant moisture in this area? Has a pipe been leaking? Do the walls have a sufficient moisture barrier?
Finding where the mold is coming from can help you find the largest spots of mold and be able to tackle it head on at the source. Once you have determined the source, find the largest section of mold and address that first.
Please note that if the largest section of yellow mold is larger than a few feet or is in hard-to-reach areas (such as under floorboards or in crawl spaces), it is better to call a professional for removal!
2.Remove As Much As You Can.
Yellow Mold than can be removed easily and without too much agitation should be brushed or wiped off.
Remove and discard any mulch or wood that is moldy by scooping it into a garbage bag, sealing it, and then disposing of it.
3.Spray And Let It Soak
Mix a cleaning solution of warm water with a small amount of dish washing liquid. Depending on the surface you can also create a cleaning solution with three parts water and one part vinegar or bleach but use caution as both agents can damage wood finishes and flooring.
Spray the cleaning solution on the visible yellow mold and let it soak for 10 – 15 minutes.
The cleaning solution will start to break down the yellow mold.
4.Wipe Up The Mold And Discard
Scrub the surface with a sponge or wet cloth until you have removed all the mold spores from the wood.
Once all the mold is removed, dispose of the sponge/ cloth as to not further spread the mold to other areas.
Preventing Yellow Mold On Wood & Wood Furniture
To prevent yellow mold on any wooden item, you must remove one or all the things it needs to grow.
Any mold needs a source of food (wood in this case), a warm temperature, and a moist environment. Eliminating at least one of these factors can prevent mold from spreading in the future.
The first step should be to stop water or moisture from getting to wherever the mold is.
This can be done by drying a wall or floor with a towel, fixing a leak, adding more ventilation, or installing a dehumidifier to take the moisture out of the air. Improving circulation, adding insulation to walls, or regularly cleaning and airing things out can also do a lot of good to stop the growth of mold.
When To Call A Professional
When finding yellow mold growing in or around your house, it is important to get rid of it right away to mitigate any further damage or health problems that could occur.
Failure to do so could be costly in repairs, can cause structural dry rot in your house and be extremely harmful to your health.
Calling a professional is a quick and effortless way to eliminate yellow mold for good any time it is found.
They will be able to take care of the mold efficiently and completely, while also helping mitigate the return of mold.
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